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asked ago in General Economics Questions by (57.8k points)
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics seeks feedback on its draft proposal for OMB approval of JOLTS for 2020-2022.  Comments are due to BLS by September 30, 2019. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/07/31/2019-16257/proposed-collection-comment-request
BLS will respond to the input in making its formal proposal to OMB this fall.

The major proposed design change is extending establishment participation in the JOLTS sample from 24 to 36 months. As a result, the JOLTS sample size would increase from 16,100 to 20,700 establishments.

Each month from each sample establishment, JOLTS collects six data elements -- Total Employment, Total Number of Job Openings, Total Hires, Quits, Layoffs and Discharges, and Other Separations. Quits, Layoffs and Discharges, and Other Separations comprise Total Separations.

The JOLTS sample is stratified by four census regions, 20 two-digit industry codes, and six employment size classes, including certainty establishments which have a certain level of employment, or the number of establishments in the universe for a sampling cell is less than or equal to 24. These certainty establishments are assigned a sampling weight of 1.00 and other establishments are assigned the sampling weight of the strata population count divided by the strata sample count.

The draft proposal narrative for JOLTS 2020-2022 (including methodological detail) is available at https://www.dropbox.com/s/8dgaqgcp1qlzh2y/Supporting_Statement_A_B_%281220-0170%29_JOLTS%202019%20Revision.pdf?dl=0
A draft proposed JOLTS survey form is available at https://www.dropbox.com/s/mxa0yvl85xnnjpj/Web_Basic_W1.docx?dl=0

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