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From the AEAStat staff:
See https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/01/13/2020-00308/advisory-committees-solicitation-of-applications-for-membership
Director Kraninger invites economists to apply for appointment to the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau's Academic Research Council (ARC). Appointments to the ARC are generally for two years. The Bureau expects to announce the selection of new members in late-summer 2020. Applications due by February 27, 2020.
Pursuant to section 12 of the Academic Research Council charter, in appointing members to the committee the Director shall seek to assemble members who are economic experts and academics with diverse points of view; such as experienced economists with a strong research and publishing background, and a record of involvement in research and public policy, including public or academic service. Additionally, members should be prominent experts who are recognized for their professional achievements and rigorous economic analysis including those specializing in household finance, finance, financial education, labor economics, industrial organization, public economics, and law and economics; and experts from related social sciences related to the Bureau's mission. In particular, the Director will seek to identify academics with strong methodological and technical expertise in structural or reduced form econometrics; modeling of consumer decision-making; survey and random controlled trial methods; benefit cost analysis, welfare economics and program evaluation; or marketing.
Information about the ARC, including current membership, is available at https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/advisory-committees/academic-research-council/

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