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From AEAStat staff:  

Yesterday, OMB approved the addition of COVID impact questions to five Census business surveys. "As Primary Economic Indicators, each of these surveys produce timely and closely-watched statistics about the health of the U.S economy.  Given the importance of these indicator surveys and of the statistics they produce, it is imperative we measure to what extent businesses have been impacted in terms of their ability to maintain operations during this turbulent period."  

OMB is requiring Census to invite public comment via an FR notice in the next month.

Census submission to OMB https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=202004-0607-001  
COVID impact questions and supporting docs available at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/woeqf3xwxt6ctou/AADwXANyOE4Y8WKrCl6GCQwwa?dl=0


The U.S. Census Bureau requests an emergency 180-day approval of an emergency Information Collection Request (ICR) to add questions to the following surveys designated as Primary Economic Indicators:

Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories & Orders (M3) Survey
Building Permits Survey
Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey
Monthly Retail Surveys
Quarterly Services Survey

The added questions are designed to allow us to measure the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic upon businesses.  As Primary Economic Indicators, each of these surveys produce timely and closely-watched statistics about the health of the U.S economy.  Given the importance of these indicator surveys and of the statistics they produce, it is imperative we measure to what extent businesses have been impacted in terms of their ability to maintain operations during this turbulent period.

One fixed question will be added as follows:
During <insert month/quarter>, did this business temporarily close any of its locations for at least one day?
The following questions will also be added on a rotating basis:
Did this business experience any delays in its supply chain that impacted the value of <insert month>  inventories?
Did delays in this business’ product shipments impact <insert month>  Inventories?
Did this business experience any delays in its supply chain that impacted the value of <first quarter>  revenue?
The Census Bureau has communicated broadly across the Federal Statistical Community (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Small Business Administration, and Minority Business Development Agency) to discuss the concern and impact of COVID-19.  The Census Bureau has shared the question content as well as the intent and usage of the data collected.

The data will be aggregated within each indicator program at the industry level.  This information will be used by analysts to explain the impact and trends of data within their industries, provide insight to current and future state of the data for the industries because of COVID-19, and assist the mathematical statisticians on the application of seasonal adjustment and imputation methodologies.

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