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Update May 1, 2020: NCHS has provided AEA with draft materials for our review -- including supporting statement Parts A and B, reinterview questions, and proposed adult and child items for 2021-23. These materials are available at  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bw4vqok0xwfcdmc/AAAICcONvHxs9PiLF5mdB9Sga?dl=0  

From AEAStat staff:
The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) invites comments on its proposed design of the 2021 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) by June 15, 2020. See https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/04/16/2020-07977/proposed-data-collection-submitted-for-public-comment-and-recommendations  The invitation is repeated at https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=CDC-2020-0037. Under Supporting Documents, NCHS may at some point choose to provide access to the draft survey instrument and supporting statement describing plans and methods in detail.

NHIS website  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis/index.htm  
2019 NHIS Questionnaire Redesign: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis/2019_quest_redesign.htm
NCHS point of contact: Stephen Blumberg, Division of Health Interview Statistics  301.458.4107  swb5@cdc.gov

The NHIS sample adult and sample child questionnaires include annual core content that is scheduled to be fielded in the survey every year, rotating content that is fielded periodically, emerging content to address new topics of growing interest, and sponsored content that is fielded when external funding is available. Rotating sample adult and sample child core content that was on the NHIS in 2020 and will rotate off the 2021 NHIS includes dental services, other provider services, and physical activity. Content on walking, sleep, fatigue, smoking history and cessation and alcohol use will also rotate off the sample adult core. Questions on neighborhood characteristics, sleep, screen time, and height and weight will rotate off the sample child core.

The 2021 sample adult and sample child rotating core will include questions about health conditions that were previously fielded in the 2018 NHIS. The 2021 rotating sample adult core will include questions on hearing and communication, psychological distress, chronic pain, preventive screening, and aspirin use. The questions on chronic pain, preventive screening and aspirin use were all previously fielded as part of the 2019 rotating core. Questions on psychological distress and hearing and communication were previously fielded as part of the 2018 NHIS. The 2021 sample child rotating core will include items on stressful life events which were previously fielded in 2019. Sponsored content on asthma will be removed from both the sample adult and sample child questionnaires. Sponsored content on cancer control, immunizations, and diabetes will remain, but the content will change. Sponsored cancer control content on cigarette history, lung cancer screening, environment for walking and sun care and protection will not be on the 2021 NHIS. New sponsored cancer control content will focus on screenings for breast, cervical, prostate, and colon cancer using similar questions to what were used in the 2019 NHIS. Anticipated new sponsored content include questions on epilepsy (previously fielded in 2010, 2013, 2015, and 2017) and occupational health.
Respondents to the 2021 NHIS will serve as the sampling frame for the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey conducted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

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