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On May 21, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) of the U.S. Department of Labor issued a notice affirming its intention to launch TrainingProviderResults.gov in December 2020. The new website will make available employment outcomes data provided by every state on every eligible training provider (ETP) for 2018 and 2019. The website will be updated annually.

According to ETA: When the website goes live it will have a number of search features for training seekers. Consumers will be able to use the website to explore training programs, and careers. The website will allow users to compare programs of study nationally, within a state, and across similar fields of study. Consumers can compare ETP performance outcomes, and program costs, and filter selections to programs that meet their needs such as online only programs, in-person, or blended learning programs. The website will contain all output information states provide in the official ETA-9171 reports.

TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT NOTICE NO. 24-19 -- Eligible Training Provider Reporting and Data Publication  https://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/corr_doc.cfm?DOCN=7291

Data collection instrument ETA-9171 (employment outcomes for one ETP) https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/ETA/Performance/pdfs/ETA_9171_12.4.17.pdf

ETP outcomes reporting requirements  https://performancereporting.workforcegps.org/resources/2018/09/11/14/58/Eligible-Training-Provider-ETP-Resource-Page

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