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Aug 27 -- In conversation with AEAStat staff, Census Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) Program staff indicate they expect that this fall-winter the Postsecondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO) initiative will post data covering higher education systems in eight states. Census is discussing data sharing agreements with four more state systems.
PSEO data provide earnings and employment outcomes for college and university graduates by degree level, degree major, and post-secondary institution. These statistics are generated by matching university transcript data with a national database of jobs, using state-of-the-art confidentiality protection mechanisms to protect the underlying data.

At present, PSEO offers tabulations for IHE systems in four states -- Texas, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
PSEO public use files: https://lehd.ces.census.gov/data/pseo_experimental.html
PSEO Data Explorer: https://lehd.ces.census.gov/data/pseo_explorer.html
This fall, Census expects to post PSEO data for:

New York -- SUNY and CUNY
Pennsylvania -- Penn State system
Ohio -- schools under jurisdiction of Dept of Higher Education
Texas -- schools under jurisdiction of HE Coordinating Board
Connecticut -- public colleges and universities

By the end of 2020, Census expects to post PSEO data for:

Arizona -- schools under Board of Regents
Missouri -- schools under Department of Higher Education
Louisiana -- schools under Board of Regents

Census is currently discussing data sharing and tabulation agreements with:

Maine -- community college system
Utah -- schools under Board of Regents
Indiana -- schools under jurisdiction of Commission of Higher Education
Virginia -- schools under jurisdiction of State Council on Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV)

Determination of which credentials will be covered for a given state will be made once a state's data have been looked at more closely.  Also, states will vary regarding how far back in time their data go.  
As the design and implementation of each data sharing agreement involves multiple complexities, delays may occur.
Points of contact: Erika McEntarfer, Lead Economist, LEHD Research, Center for Economic Studies, Census Bureau  (301) 763-8555  Erika.McEntarfer@census.gov
Andrew Foote, Senior Economist, LEHD, Center for Economic Studies, Census Bureau  Office 301.763.7469   Cell 202.384.4784    andrew.foote@census.gov

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