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Dec 17 -- The U.S. Census Bureau today released a new annual data product that provides demographic characteristics for nonemployer businesses in the United States. The new product, known as the Nonemployer Statistics by Demographics (NES-D), replaces the nonemployer component of the Census Bureau’s Survey of Business Owners (SBO), which was conducted every five years. NES-D provides more frequent and timely high-quality data at lower cost than the SBO with no additional respondent burden. The first NES-D release is for 2017.

NES-D is not a survey, rather it is an annual statistical series that uses existing administrative records (AR) and census data to link demographic characteristics to the universe of nonemployers. NES-D provides economic information by owner demographics such as sex, race, ethnicity and veteran status, geography, industry, receipt size class, and legal form of organization. Coupled with the new Annual Business Survey (ABS), which supplies demographic characteristics for employer businesses, the Census Bureau now provides annual business owner demographics for all businesses through a blended-data approach that combines AR-derived estimates for nonemployer businesses (NES-D) and survey-derived estimates for employer businesses (ABS). Data will be released on the ABS website.
Press release: https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2020/nonemployer-businesses.html
NES-D tables and technical documentation:  https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/abs/data/nesd.html
NES-D infographic: https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/2020/comm/nonemployer-demographics.html   
Point of contact for comments, questions: adep.annual.business.survey@census.gov  301.763.3316

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