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Feb 2 -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites nominations from a diverse range of qualified candidates to be considered for appointment to its National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC). The NEJAC was chartered to provide advice regarding broad, cross-cutting issues related to environmental justice. This notice solicits nominations to fill approximately seven (7) new vacancies for terms through September 2022. To maintain the representation outlined by the charter, nominees will be selected to represent: Academia (1 vacancy); community-based organizations (2 vacancies); non-governmental organizations (1 vacancy); state and local governments (2 vacancies); and tribal governments and indigenous organizations (1 vacancy). We are interested in adding members located in EPA regions 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10. Vacancies are anticipated to be filled by September 2021.  
Nominations should be submitted no later than Wednesday, March 24, 2021.
The Council consists of 30 members (including a Chairperson and two Vice-Chairpersons) appointed by EPA's Administrator. Members serve as non-federal stakeholders representing: Six (6) from academia, four (4) from business and industry; seven (7) from community based organizations; six (6) from non-governmental/environmental organizations; four (4) from state and local governments; and three (3) from tribal governments and indigenous organizations, of which one member serves as a liaison to the National Tribal Caucus. Members are appointed for one (1); two (2) or three (3)-year terms with the possibility of reappointment for another term.

The NEJAC usually meets face-to-face twice a year, generally in the Spring and the Fall. Additionally, members may be asked to participate in teleconference meetings or serve on work groups to develop recommendations, advice letters, and reports to address specific policy issues. The average workload for members is approximately 5 to 8 hours per month.
In addition, EPA is seeking nominees with knowledge in youth perspectives and youth development; environmental measures; public health/health disparities; water infrastructure and other water concerns; farmworkers and pesticides; community sustainability and resiliency; green jobs and green infrastructure; land use and equitable development; and emerging inclusion of sub-populations such as the homeless, veterans, prisoners, etc.
In an effort to obtain nominations of diverse candidates, the Agency encourages nominations of women and men of all racial and ethnic groups from all geographic locations of the United States of America. All nominations will be fully considered, but applicants need to be aware of the specific representation sought as outlined in the summary above.
NEJAC website: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/national-environmental-justice-advisory-council  
FR notice inviting nominations: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/02/02/2021-02154/notification-of-request-for-nominations-to-the-national-environmental-justice-advisory-council

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