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July 23 -- The Director of the Census Bureau (Director) is seeking nominations by September 30, 2021 for the National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic and Other Populations (NAC). The purpose of the NAC is to provide advice to the Director on the full range of economic, housing, demographic, socioeconomic, linguistic, technological, methodological, geographic, behaviorial and operational variables affecting the cost, accuracy and implementation of Census Bureau programs and surveys, including the decennial census.

The NAC advises the Director of the Census Bureau (the Director) on the full range of economic, housing, demographic, socioeconomic, linguistic, technological, methodological, geographic, behavioral, and operational variables affecting the cost, accuracy, and implementation of Census Bureau programs and surveys, including the decennial census. The NAC also advises the Census Bureau on the data needs of underserved communities and how census data products might address such needs.
The NAC consists of up to 32 members who serve at the discretion of the Director. The Census Bureau is seeking eight qualified candidates to be considered for appointment.

The NAC aims to have a balanced representation among its members, considering such factors as geography, age, sex, race, ethnicity, technical expertise, community involvement, and knowledge of census programs and/or activities. The NAC aims to include members from diverse backgrounds, including state, local and tribal governments; academia; research, national and community-based organizations; and, the private sector. Members will be selected from the public and private sectors. Members may serve as Special Government Employees (SGEs) or representatives who are selected to represent specific organizations. SGEs and representatives will be selected based on their expertise in or representation of specific areas to include: Diverse populations (including race and ethnic populations); national, state, local, and tribal interest organizations serving hard-to-count populations; researchers; community-based organizations; academia; business interests; marketing and media professionals; researchers; and, members of professional associations. Members will be individually advised of the capacity in which they will serve through their appointment letters.
NAC webpage: https://www.census.gov/about/cac/nac.html  
Current NAC members: https://www.census.gov/about/cac/nac/member-bios.html
FR notice: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/07/23/2021-15682/request-for-nominations-of-members-to-serve-on-the-national-advisory-committee-on-racial-ethnic-and

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