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asked ago by (57.8k points)
BDS Explorer (https://www.census.gov/data/data-tools/bds-explorer.html) is a new, web-based analysis tool that enables comprehensive access to the full depth and breadth of the Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS) dataset. Through charts, maps, and tables, users can compare, rank and visualize BDS data across time, NAICS industry, geography, and/or establishment and firm characteristics on the fly. All tabulations in BDS Explorer are sourced from the Census API's BDS endpoint.

BDS Explorer provides access to the entire BDS dataset via line charts, bar charts, and thematic maps. The application's intuitive dashboard allows for the construction of tables and charts to compare and rank measures of business dynamism such as employment, job creation and destruction, and firm births and deaths across a wide range of establishment and firm characteristics. Potential analyses include a longitudinal look at job creation by establishment age across counties, ranking establishment entry rates of young firms across NAICS industry groups and comparing job destruction rates by firm sizes across a selection of Metropolitan Areas.
BDS webpage: https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/bds.html   
Census invites emails to ces.bds@census.gov with your questions and feedback, including what you like about BDS Explorer as well as what changes you’d like to see in future versions.

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