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Oct 1 -- ITA extends comments deadline to October 15, 2021. FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/10/01/2021-21447/change-in-deadline-for-public-comments-on-us-clean-technologies-export-competitiveness-strategy
August 30 -- The International Trade Administration (ITA), U.S. Department of Commerce, is requesting public comments by October 1, 2021 on clean technologies export competitiveness. This stakeholder input will inform the Department's effort to develop a “U.S. Clean Technologies Export Competitiveness Strategy”, which intends to identify key issues influencing the deployment of these goods and services, highlight potential opportunities and challenges, and identify possible actions for the DOC and federal government to take in order to foster U.S. export competitiveness in clean technologies sectors.

Recognizing the vital importance of clean technologies in tackling the global climate crisis and spurring U.S. innovation and creating well-paying jobs, the Department of Commerce (DOC), in partnership with the Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC), has made it a top priority to encourage growth and ensure U.S. innovation and competitiveness in clean technologies sectors. On January 27, 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad”(E.O. 14008). E.O. 14008 puts climate considerations at the forefront of United States foreign policy and national security. The E.O. also directs agencies that engage in extensive international work to develop strategies and implementation plans for integrating climate considerations into their international work. ITA intends to integrate such considerations into its export promotion work.

Clean technologies is a broad term that can encompass a range of technologies used to address a variety of environmental issues. For the purpose of this request for public comment, ITA is focused on both established and emerging technologies, and their associated goods and services, that can contribute to a transition to net-zero emissions by significantly removing or reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a specific application compared to existing, carbon-intensive technology in the same application. This notice serves as a general solicitation for public comment and as an initial step in improving ITA's understanding of the current technological and policy landscape.

These technologies can be organized by their ability to reduce GHG emissions in broad economic sectors identified by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as major contributors to global GHG emissions, including:

(1) Electricity and heat production (25 percent of global direct GHG emissions)
(2) Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (24 percent of global direct GHG emissions)
(3) Industry (21 percent of global direct GHG emissions)
(4) Transportation (14 percent of global direct GHG emissions)
(5) Other energy emissions not directly associated with electricity or heat production, such as fuel extraction, refining, processing, and transportation (9.6 percent of global direct GHG emissions)
(6) Buildings (6.4 percent of global direct GHG emissions)

For the purpose of this request for public comment, competitiveness entails the capacity to produce and deploy affordable, reliable, and accessible clean technologies and compete in global markets, with the overall aim of accelerating global private sector capabilities to fight the effects of climate change while also bringing benefits to the U.S. economy and people.

ITA poses 16 questions for public comment at https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/08/30/2021-18637/request-for-comments-on-us-clean-technologies-export-competitiveness-strategy

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