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Oct 12 -- FACT SHEET: Biden Administration Makes Climate Information and Decision Tools More Accessible https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/10/12/fact-sheet-biden-administration-makes-climate-information-and-decision-tools-more-accessible/
Today, the Biden Administration is launching a whole-of-government initiative to deliver accessible and actionable information to individuals and communities that are being hit by flooding, drought, wildfires, extreme heat, coastal erosion, and other intensifying climate impacts. This effort will put authoritative and useful information into the hands of more Americans—from broadcast meteorologists sharing climate information with communities, to farmers checking drought outlooks, to businesses planning for extreme weather, to families making decisions about their homes and neighborhoods. The initiative answers President Biden’s call in his Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad to enhance understanding of climate risks and empower communities to better prepare and become more resilient.

Today’s announcements include:

A launch by NOAA of a redesigned Climate.gov (https://www.climate.gov/) that integrates artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the accessibility of accurate and timely climate information. The upgrades to this website, including search tools enhanced by artificial intelligence and a suite of user experience and accessibility improvements, better connects Americans to climate explainers, data dashboards, and classroom-ready teaching resources.    
Two new reports delivered to the National Climate Task Force outline ways the federal government will improve access to climate tools and services. These reports lay out a comprehensive roadmap for the federal government to further increase open-access delivery of climate tools and services. The White House Office of Science & Technology Policy, NOAA, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency led a report on expanding and improving climate information and services for the public. “Opportunities for Expanding and Improving Climate Information and Services for the Public—A Report to the National Climate Task Force.” https://downloads.globalchange.gov/reports/eo-14008-211-d-report.pdf
A second report, developed by the member agencies of the Federal Geographic Data Committee, focuses on opportunities to enhance geospatial data and mapping tools to inform climate planning. "FGDC Report : Advancing the Nation’s Geospatial Capabilities To Promote Federal, State, Local, and Tribal Climate Planning and Resilience - A Report to the National Climate Task Force" https://www.fgdc.gov/resources/key-publications/2021-climate-mapping-report

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