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Dec 6 -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) invites comment by February 4, 2022 on a proposed information collection project titled “Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) Performance Measures.” The National Center for Environmental Health's Climate and Health Program (CHP) supports U.S. cities and states to build and enhance resilience to the health impacts of climate change.
The purpose of this information collection request (ICR) is to continue the Climate and Health Program (CHP) monitoring of recipient programs' planning and delivery of public health activities and adaptation strategies under a new cooperative agreement Building Resilience Against Climate Effects: Implementing and Evaluating Adaptation Strategies that Protect and Promote Human Health (CDC-RFA-EH21-2101). CDC collects information related to each recipient's strategies and activities through performance measures (PMs) outlined by the cooperative agreement. A new PM electronic reporting tool has been developed, which will allow recipients to report PM information in a streamlined way that will also enhance CHP's ability to analyze and use the information quickly to help support the program. Since its inception, the National Center for Environmental Health's (NCEH) CHP has funded state and local health departments or their agents as they prepare for and respond to the health effects that a changing climate will bring to the communities they serve. The primary funding mechanism for building climate resilience has been the Climate Ready States and Cities Initiative. The most recent notice of funding opportunity for the initiative is titled “Building Resilience Against Climate Effects: Implementing and Evaluation Adaptation Strategies that protect and Promote Human Health” (NOFO No. CDC RFA-EH21-2101).
We propose to collect PM data from up to 38 cooperative agreement recipients (state, local, and territorial health departments, or programs). The information will be used for multiple purposes: (1) To demonstrate program achievements, including positive effects in community or population health; (2) to build stronger evidence base for adaptations to climate change; (3) to demonstrate adaptation applicability and effectiveness across different populations, settings, and contexts; and (4) to support continuous improvement of the funded adaptation actions and their implementation. Recipients will submit standardized PM data on an annual basis via a newly developed electronic reporting tool, through a CDC-supported secure data collection and management system called REDCap.

BRACE Framework: https://www.cdc.gov/climateandhealth/BRACE.htm
Draft BRACE collection instrument and technical documentation: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bf9ngjxjp8sq5ty/AACh_G6Aizr_s2JcTXRsGZVma?dl=0  
FR notice inviting public comments: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/12/06/2021-26399/proposed-data-collection-submitted-for-public-comment-and-recommendations

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