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Feb 14 -- The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) invites comments on the proposed National Household Education Survey 2023 (NHES:2023) by April 15, 2022.
The National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) collects data directly from households on early childhood care and education, children's readiness for school, parents' perceptions of school safety and discipline, before- and after-school activities of school-age children, participation in adult and career education, parents' involvement in their children's education, school choice, homeschooling, and civic involvement.
The NHES:2023 data collection will provide policymakers and researchers with data on early childhood education, parent and family involvement in education, and homeschooling that are not available elsewhere. Researchers nationwide rely on NHES data for important policy analyses. Survey data from NHES have been used for a large number of descriptive and analytic reports and articles, including NCES education indicators, reports, and statistical abstracts; publications of other Federal agencies; policy analyses; theses and dissertations; conference papers; and journal articles. A list of NHES publications issued by NCES can be found on the NHES website at https://nces.ed.gov/nhes/publications.asp. A list of NHES publications from non-NCES researchers can be found on the NCES website at https://nces.ed.gov/bibliography/.
NCES redesigned NHES to collect data through self-administered mailed questionnaires for the 2012 administration, which included the Early Childhood Program Participation (ECPP), the Parent and Family Involvement in Education-Enrolled (PFI-E), and the Parent and Family Involvement in Education-Homeschooled (PFI-H) topical surveys. In 2019, PFI surveys for parents of enrolled and homeschooled students were merged into one survey instrument.
NHES:2023 will again field the ECPP and the combined PFI survey used in the NHES:2019. NHES:2023 will use the same methodology developed in the NHES:2019 for the majority of sampled addresses, but will incorporate lessons learned from NHES:2019's methodological experiments. Furthermore, given the potential change in the education landscape since COVID-19, particularly for online coursework, NCES plans to conduct a debriefing project with respondents during the NHES:2023 administration. The goal of the study is to gain greater insight about respondents who indicate that their child was enrolled in online courses. The debriefing interviews are designed to understand the true schooling experiences of these children and how well the survey functioned in capturing the context of these children's virtual education experiences. The debriefing interviews will provide information that will assist NCES in understanding the NHES:2023 data on virtual education and in crafting items for future NHES administrations that will more accurately capture the details of virtual education.
NHES uses a two-stage design in which sampled households complete a screener questionnaire to enumerate likely eligible household members and their key characteristics. Within-household sampling based on the screener data determines which household member is sampled for each topical survey. NHES typically fields 2 to 3 topical surveys at a time, although the number has varied across its administrations. Surveys are administered in English and in Spanish. Data from NHES are used to provide national cross-sectional estimates on populations of special interest to education researchers and policymakers.
NHES webpage: https://nces.ed.gov/nhes/
Draft NHES 2023 survey instruments and technical documentation: https://www.regulations.gov/search?filter=ED-2022-SCC-0015
FR notice: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2022-03099

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