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New EPA Tool Provides the Public with Customized Updates on Local Enforcement and Compliance Activities

Today, EPA announced the release of a new web tool, called “ECHO Notify,” that empowers members of the public to stay informed about important environmental enforcement and compliance activities in their communities. ECHO Notify provides information on all EPA enforcement and compliance activities as well as activities of state and local governments under the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and the Safe Drinking Water Act.   
ECHO Notify https://echo.epa.gov/tools/echo-notify
ECHO Notify Data Downloads https://echo.epa.gov/tools/data-downloads

The ECHO (Enforcement and Compliance History Online) website with its facility search features is designed to provide easy access to EPA's compliance and enforcement data with customizable onscreen display and download (learn about facility searching in a video tutorial). For those with larger data needs, ECHO has several types of datasets available. These large datasets may be of particular use to developers, programmers, academics, and analysts. The data available here can be downloaded and used for many different functions and are certain to meet all data retrieval needs.

ECHO Exporter - one line of data per facility
ECHO Data Downloads - large sets of national data by data system
ECHO also offers:
Web services and map services to facilitate direct access to ECHO data by third-party applications
ECHO widget to allow simple facility searching from your website
A variety of customizable, water pollutant-related datasets on the Water Pollutant Loading Tool Data Downloads tab.

Please note that each level of government has been working together for many years to ensure that information in national systems is accurate. However, while increased scrutiny has been given to the quality of data in the national systems in recent years, the data quality before November 2000 has not been assessed and should be considered unknown.
ECHO Notify video tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqQxKU165KY
Press release https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/new-epa-tool-provides-public-customized-updates-local-enforcement-and-compliance

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