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June 1 -- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), on behalf of USGCRP, is soliciting nominations for Review Editors for the Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5)--including for Chapter 19: Economics. Nominations should be submitted by July 1, 2022.

This notice seeks nominations for NCA5 Review Editors with pertinent subject matter expertise and scientific background. The Review Editor serves a critical role on the NCA, ensuring that each public and peer review comment has been considered by the author team. Review Editors do not provide additional comments on assigned draft chapters; rather they attest that the annotation is sufficiently responsive to the comment and indicates any revision made to the chapter(s), including the scientific or logical rationale for said action.

Specifically, the Review Editor is charged with:

(a) Ensuring all substantive comments submitted during multiple Public Comment Periods and via a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine panel review are appropriately addressed by authors, and that agreed-upon changes to the chapter are reflected in the draft text of the chapter;

(b) advising Chapter Leads how to manage conflicting comments or contentious issues, as well as supporting discussions between Chapter Leads, Chapter Authors, and Coordinating Lead Authors on how best to consider and incorporate reviewer's feedback into the chapter; and

(c) submitting all necessary materials confirming execution of the above charges.

Potential nominees should be technical experts with climate-related proficiency in at least one of the regions, sectors, or responses topics outlined in the NCA5 Table of Contents (accessible via http://www.globalchange.gov/​nca5). Nominees must have demonstrated expertise such that the nominees could contribute to the development of a robust scientific, technical assessment as subject matter experts in one or more of the topics listed.
The full list of NCA5 chapters is below and can also be found https://www.globalchange.gov/​nca5. [Economics is Chapter 19.] Chapter titles reflect the target topics or regions for the chapters. Final titles for the chapter may evolve as authors assess published literature.

Introduction and Summary
1. Overview

Physical Sciences
2. Climate Trends
3. Earth Systems Processes

National Topics
4. Water
5. Energy
6. Land Cover & Land-Use Change
7. Forests
8. Ecosystems
9. Coastal Effects
10. Oceans
11. Agriculture, Food Systems, and Rural Communities
12. Built Environment
13. Transportation
14. Air Quality
15. Human Health
16. Tribes & Indigenous Peoples
17. U.S. International Interests
18. Complex Systems
19. Economics
20. Human Social Systems

21. Northeast
22. Southeast
23. U.S. Caribbean
24. Midwest
25. Northern Great Plains
26. Southern Great Plains
27. Northwest
28. Southwest
29. Alaska
30. Hawai'i & U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands

31. Adaptation
32. Mitigation

A1. Report Development Process
A2. Information Quality
A3. Data Tools
A4. Indicators

FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2022-11719

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