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July 7 -- The General Services Administration (GSA) is publishing this advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) to seek public feedback pertaining to the use of plastic consumed in both packaging and shipping, as well as other single-use plastics for which the agency contracts. The issues raised in the comments submitted in response to this ANPR will inform future rulemaking to establish requirements and reporting mechanisms for reducing unnecessary single-use plastic, to include plastic packaging and shipping materials. Interested parties should submit written comments at the address shown below on or before September 6, 2022 to be considered in the formulation of a proposed rule.   

The Center for Biological Diversity, along with 180 signatories, submitted a petition to GSA on February 3, 2022, requesting that the agency address single-use plastics through rulemaking. This ANPR, among other things, seeks to better understand the implications of any such rulemaking.

GSA invites comment on the issues discussed in this ANPR to help inform future rulemaking on how to best reduce single-use plastics from packaging, while limiting burden and liability on our industry and logistics partners. Specifically, GSA seeks responses to the questions listed below. Please explain the reasoning behind your responses in detail. Also, provide any data, studies, or other evidence that supports your response. . . .

GSA also seeks to better understand the economic impact regarding single-use plastic products, and single-use plastics in packaging and shipping, and what industry changes are feasible. GSA seeks economic data and consumer research to help increase its understanding of the market.

1. What will the estimated cost be to change, reduce, or eliminate single-use plastic from your product lines?
2. What will the estimated costs be to change, reduce, or eliminate single-use plastic packaging?
3. Will a change from single-use plastic packaging result in a reduced cost in freight?
4. What reporting or monitoring standards, if any, exist to track the use of more environmentally preferable packaging material?
5. What is the liability risk of any of the purchased goods being damaged if packaging is reduced or changed?
6. What other identifiable risks are posed to industry, the government, and overall economy if packaging is reduced or changed?

FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2022-14403

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