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Sept 15 -- Nomination period extended to September 30, 2022. https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2022-19891

Aug 5 -- The Office of Financial Research is soliciting applications for membership on its Financial Research Advisory Committee. The application period for interested candidates will close on September 9, 2022.

The Treasury Department established a Financial Research Advisory Committee (FRAC, or Committee) to provide advice and recommendations to the Office of Financial Research (OFR) and to assist the OFR in carrying out its duties and authorities. The purpose of the OFR is to support the Financial Stability Oversight Council (Council) in fulfilling the purposes and duties of the Council and to support the Council's member agencies by:

—Collecting data on behalf of the Council, and providing such data to the Council and member agencies;
—Standardizing the types and formats of data reported and collected;
—Performing applied research and essential long-term research;
—Developing tools for risk measurement and monitoring;
—Performing other related services;
—Making the results of the activities of the OFR available to financial regulatory agencies; and
—Assisting such member agencies in determining the types and formats of data authorized by the Dodd-Frank Act to be collected by such member agencies.

The FRAC was established to advise the OFR on issues related to the responsibilities of the office. It may provide its advice, recommendations, analysis, and information directly to the OFR and the OFR may share the Committee's advice and recommendations with the Secretary of the Treasury or other Treasury officials. The OFR will share information with the Committee as the OFR Director determines will be helpful in allowing the FRAC to carry out its role.

The FRAC is an advisory committee that was originally established on April 6, 2012. Its charter was renewed several times, most recently on January 26, 2022. The OFR is currently soliciting applications for membership in order to provide for rotation of membership, as provided in its original and current charter, as well as to provide for a diverse and balanced body with a variety of interests, backgrounds, and viewpoints represented. Providing for such diversity enhances the views and advice offered by the FRAC.
Treasury seeks applications from individuals representative of a constituency within the fields of economics, financial institutions and markets, statistical analysis, financial markets analysis, econometrics, applied sciences, risk management, data management, information standards, technology, or other areas related to OFR's duties and authorities. The terms of members chosen to serve are typically three years. No member of the Committee serving in their individual capacity (as opposed to those members specifically appointed to represent the interests of a nongovernmental entity, a recognizable group of persons, or nongovernmental entities) may be a Federally-registered lobbyist. Membership on the Committee is limited to the individuals appointed and is non-transferrable. Regular attendance is essential to the effective operation of the Committee.
FRAC webpage: https://www.financialresearch.gov/frac/
FRAC in FACAdase: https://www.facadatabase.gov/FACA/apex/FACAPublicCommittee?id=a10t0000001gzwUAAQ
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2022-16813

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