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Sept 19 -- The Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice invites comments by November 18, 2022 regarding the renewal of the National Prisoner Statistics Program for 2023-2025.

The National Prisoner Statistics program collection includes: Summary of Sentenced Population Movement, Prison Population Report—U.S. Territories. Form numbers for the questionnaire are NPS-1B (Summary of Sentenced Population Movement) and NPS-1B(T) (Prisoner Population Report—U.S. Territories).

For the NPS-1B form, 51 central reporters (one from each state and the Federal Bureau of Prisons) responsible for keeping records on inmates will be asked to provide information for the following categories:

(a) As of December 31, the number of male and female inmates within their custody and under their jurisdiction with maximum sentences of more than one year, one year or less; and unsentenced inmates;
(b) The number of inmates housed in privately operated facilities, county or other local authority correctional facilities, or in other state or Federal facilities on December 31;
(c) Prison admission information in the calendar year for the following categories: new court commitments, parole violators, other conditional release violators returned, transfers from other jurisdictions, AWOLs and escapees returned, and returns from appeal and bond;
(d) Prison release information in the calendar year for the following categories: expirations of sentence, commutations, other conditional releases, probations, supervised mandatory releases, paroles, other conditional releases, deaths by cause, AWOLs, escapes, transfers to other jurisdictions, and releases to appeal or bond;
(e) Number of inmates under jurisdiction on December 31 by race and Hispanic origin;
(f) Number of inmates under physical custody on December 31 classified as non-citizens; U.S. citizens; and unsentenced inmates;
(g) Number of inmates under physical custody on December 31 who are citizens of the U.S. with maximum sentences of more than one year, one year or less; and unsentenced inmates;
(h) The source of U.S. citizenship data;
(i) Testing of incoming inmates for HIV; and HIV infection and AIDS cases on December 31; and
(j) The aggregated rated, operational, and/or design capacities, by sex, of the state/BOP's correctional facilities at year-end.

For the NPS-1B(T) form, five central reporters from the U.S. Territories and Commonwealths of Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, and American Samoa will be asked to provide information for the following categories for the calendar year just ended, and, if available, for the previous calendar year:

(a) As of December 31, the number of male and female inmates within their custody and under their jurisdiction with maximum sentences of more than one year, one year or less; and unsentenced inmates; and an assessment of the completeness of these counts (complete, partial, or estimated)
(b) The number of inmates under jurisdiction on December 31 but in the custody of facilities operated by other jurisdictions' authorities solely to reduce prison overcrowding;
(c) Number of inmates under jurisdiction on December 31 by race and Hispanic origin;
(d) The aggregated rated, operational, and/or design capacities, by sex, of the territory's/Commonwealth's correctional facilities at year-end.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics uses this information in published reports and for the U.S. Congress, Executive Office of the President, practitioners, researchers, students, the media, and others interested in criminal justice statistics.
NPS Program: https://bjs.ojp.gov/data-collection/national-prisoner-statistics-nps-program
Draft survey instruments: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eezvfrq2sqimn7o/reexternaldrafticrrequest20232025nationalpriso.zip?dl=0
2021 submission to OMB: https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=202107-1121-004
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2022-20159

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