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Nov 18 -- FCC RELEASES NEW NATIONAL BROADBAND MAPS: A First Step Toward Building Comprehensive, Standardized Maps of Broadband Availability Throughout the U.S.  [news release]

The Federal Communications Commission today released a pre-production draft of its new National Broadband Map. The map will display specific location-level information about broadband services available throughout the country – a significant step forward from the census block level data previously collected. This release of the draft map kicks off the public challenge processes that will play a critical role in improving the accuracy of the map. An accurate map is an important resource for targeting funding and other efforts to bring broadband to unserved and underserved communities.
The public will be able to view the maps at broadbandmap.fcc.gov and search for their address to see information about the fixed and mobile services that internet providers report are available there. If the fixed internet services shown are not available at the user’s location, they may file a challenge with the FCC directly through the map interface to correct the information. Map users will also be able correct information about their location and add their location to the map if it is missing. The draft map will also allow users to view the mobile wireless coverage reported by cellular service providers.  
The FCC today also announced the launch of an updated version of the FCC Speed Test App that will enable users to quickly compare the performance and coverage of their mobile networks to that reported by their provider. The app allows users to submit their mobile speed test data in support of a challenge to a wireless service provider’s claimed coverage. New users can download the FCC Speed Test App in both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Existing app users should update the app to gain these new features.  

2) Fact Sheet

On November 18, 2022, the FCC released the pre-production draft of the National Broadband Map. The National Broadband Map displays where internet services are and are not available across the country. The map is the first release in an ongoing, iterative process that will depend on data submitted by providers, challenges from third parties and the public, and verifications and audits by the FCC, which together will continually improve and refine the broadband availability data relied upon by the FCC, other government agencies, and the public, as required by the Broadband DATA Act. An accurate map will help identify the unserved and underserved communities most in need of funding for high-speed internet projects.

The new National Broadband Map will be the most detailed data on broadband availability the FCC has ever collected or released. The map displays location level information about the mass-market internet services available across the United States, as reported by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to the FCC. The broadband availability data displayed on the map reflects services available as of June 30, 2022.To view the map, visit BroadbandMap.FCC.gov.

• The Fixed Broadband Map shows the fiber, cable, DSL, satellite, or fixed wireless internet services available at each home or small business on the map. When you select a location, you can see which providers report making broadband service available at that location and the types of service or technologies and the maximum advertised download and upload speeds they each offer.
• The Mobile Broadband Map shows 3G, 4G, and 5G coverage of each mobile provider in the area displayed. The coverage areas reflect where consumers should be able to connect to the mobile network when outdoors or in a moving vehicle; the  map does not show indoor coverage. The map also allows users to compare mobile wireless coverage reported by different mobile service providers.

Individual location points on the map identify buildings or structures – such as a home, apartment building, or small business – where internet access services are, or could be, available. These location points are part of a dataset called the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric (Fabric). Gray location points represent buildings or structures that are likely to subscribe to enterprise or commercial-grade service rather than mass-market broadband services. Consumers, state, local, and Tribal governmental entities, and other stakeholders may submit challenges to help verify the information submitted by ISPs. Fabric location data, fixed availability data, and/or mobile availability data can all be challenged.


3) Public Notice  

Starting today, consumers, state, local, and Tribal governments, service providers, and other entities can begin to file challenges to the fixed and mobile broadband availability data shown on the Broadband Map. In addition, consumers may begin to submit corrections, in the form of individual challenges, to the location data in the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric (Fabric). The new map includes easy-to-use forms that the public can use to submit challenges to dispute the availability and location information shown on the map to help the Commission ensure that the map is – and remains – as accurate as possible.


4) FCC National Broadband Map https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/home

5) Broadband Data Collection https://www.fcc.gov/BroadbandData

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