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Feb 1 -- The U.S. Census Bureau has released a new experimental data product featuring monthly construction spending estimates at the Census Division level for private manufacturing.

These estimates measure the construction work done on new manufacturing structures or improvements to existing structures and include the cost of labor and materials, architectural and engineering work, overhead, interest and taxes paid during construction, and contractor’s profits. This experimental data product is based on the existing Construction Spending survey’s sample of private construction projects and uses the same methodology to calculate the estimates. See the Monthly Construction Spending at the Census Division Level for Private Manufacturing Methodology document for the relevant documentation.

This experimental data product provides a historical data series for each Census Division from January 2017 to December 2022 and will be published monthly going forward. Data users have requested more frequent division-level estimates, and this product represents a step toward providing more timely, granular, and relevant products that meet data users’ needs.

This experimental data product is subject to disclosure avoidance thresholds and may not meet some of the Census Bureau’s statistical quality standards.
The Value of Construction Put in Place Survey (VIP) provides monthly estimates of the total dollar value of construction work done in the U.S. The survey covers construction work done each month on new structures or improvements to existing structures for private and public sectors. Data estimates include the cost of labor and materials, cost of architectural and engineering work, overhead costs, interest and taxes paid during construction, and contractor's profits. The current VIP manufacturing estimates are published at the national level. In order to create subnational estimates, the current survey weights for manufacturing construction projects are summed within the standard region and division definitions to give the new estimates. All other survey estimation procedures, such as imputation methods, remain the same.

User feedback invited: eid.ceb.customer.service@census.gov.
Monthly Subnational Construction Spending: https://www.census.gov/construction/c30/monthlysubnational.html
Methodology: https://www.census.gov/construction/c30/pdf/methodologymonthlysub.pdf

Announcement: https://www.census.gov/data/experimental-data-products/monthly-subnational-construction-spending-private-manufacturing.html  
Press release: https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2023/construction-spending-private-manufacturing.html

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