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Apr 24 -- The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC” or “Commission”) seeks public comment on proposed amendments to the Commission's Negative Option Rule (or “Rule”) to combat unfair or deceptive practices that include recurring charges for products or services consumers do not want and cannot cancel without undue difficulty.

Written comments must be received on or before June 23, 2023. Parties interested in presenting views orally should submit a request to do so as explained below, and such requests must be received on or before June 23, 2023.

The Commission seeks comment on a proposal to improve its existing regulations for negative option programs. These programs are widespread in the marketplace and can provide substantial benefits for sellers and consumers. However, consumers cannot reap these benefits when marketers fail to make adequate disclosures, bill consumers without their consent, or make cancellation difficult or impossible. Problematic negative option practices have remained a persistent source of consumer harm for decades, saddling shoppers with recurring payments for products and services they never intended to purchase or did not want to continue buying. In the past, the Commission sought to address these practices through individual law enforcement cases and a patchwork of laws and regulations. Nevertheless, problems persist, and consumers continue to submit thousands of complaints to the FTC each year.

To solicit input about these issues, the Commission published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) on October 2, 2019 (84 FR 52393). After reviewing the comments received in response and issuing an “Enforcement Policy Statement Regarding Negative Option Marketing” on November 4, 2021 (86 FR 60822), the Commission, as detailed in this document, now proposes to amend the existing Rule to implement new requirements to provide important information to consumers, obtain consumers' express informed consent, and ensure consumers can easily cancel these programs when they choose. All these proposed changes would be applicable to all forms of negative option marketing in all media (e.g., telephone, internet, traditional print media, and in-person transactions).
Negative option offers come in a variety of forms, but all share a central feature: each contain a term or condition that allows a seller to interpret a customer's silence, or failure to take an affirmative action, as acceptance of an offer. Before describing the proposed amendments, it is helpful to review the various forms such an offer can take. Negative option marketing generally falls into four categories: prenotification plans, continuity plans, automatic renewals, and free trial (i.e., free-to-pay or nominal-fee-to-pay) conversion offers.

Prenotification plans are the only negative option practice currently covered by the Commission's Negative Option Rule. Under such plans (e.g., product-of-the-month clubs), sellers provide periodic notices offering goods to participating consumers and then send—and charge for—those goods only if the consumers take no action to decline the offer. The periodic announcements and shipments can continue indefinitely. In continuity plans, consumers agree in advance to receive periodic shipments of goods or provision of services (e.g., bottled water delivery), which they continue to receive until they cancel the agreement. In automatic renewals, sellers (e.g., a magazine publisher, credit monitoring service provider, etc.) automatically renew consumers' subscriptions when they expire, unless consumers affirmatively cancel the subscriptions. Finally, with free trial marketing, consumers receive goods or services for free (or at a nominal fee) for a trial period. After the trial period, sellers automatically begin charging a fee (or higher fee) unless consumers affirmatively cancel or return the goods or services.

Some negative option offers include upsell or bundled offers, where sellers use consumers' billing data to sell additional products from the same seller or pass consumers' billing data to a third party for their sales. An upsell occurs when a consumer completes a first transaction and then receives a second solicitation for an additional product or service. A bundled offer occurs when a seller packages two or more products or services together so they cannot be purchased separately. . . .
To address these ongoing problems, the Commission proposes to amend the current Negative Option Rule with the objective of setting clear, enforceable performance-based requirements for all negative option features in all media. The proposed amendments are designed to ensure consumers understand what they are purchasing and allow them to cancel their participation without undue burden or complication. As discussed below, the proposed Rule (retitled “Rule Concerning Recurring Subscriptions and Other Negative Option Plans”) addresses the most important issues related to negative option marketing, including misrepresentations, disclosures, consent, and cancellation. These proposed changes, which replace existing provisions in the Rule, enhance and clarify existing requirements currently dispersed in other rules and statutes. They also consolidate all requirements, such as those in the TSR, specifically applicable to negative option marketing. Further, the proposed Rule would allow the Commission to seek civil penalties and consumer redress in contexts where such remedies are currently unavailable, such as deceptive or unfair practices involving negative options in traditional print materials and face-to-face transactions (i.e., in media not covered by ROSCA or the TSR) and misrepresentations (which are not expressly covered by ROSCA, even when on the internet).

In developing this proposal, and consistent with concerns raised in the comments, the Commission sought to enhance consumer protections while avoiding detailed, prescriptive requirements that would impede innovation. By generally proposing flexible standards, the Commission seeks to establish rules that will not impede advances or become irrelevant as the market changes, while protecting consumers from widespread deceptive or unfair practices. . . .
The Commission seeks comments on all aspects of the proposed requirements, including the likely effectiveness of the proposed Rule in helping the Commission combat unfair or deceptive practices in negative option marketing. The Commission also seeks comment on various alternatives to the proposed regulation, to further address disclosures, consumer consent, and cancellation. It also seeks comment on other approaches, such as the publication of additional consumer and business education. The Commission seeks any suggestions or alternative methods for improving current requirements. In their replies, commenters should provide any available evidence and data that supports their position, such as empirical data, consumer perception studies, and consumer complaints. . . .
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-07035 [24 pages]

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