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July 11 -- The Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R), at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), invites public comment by September 11, 2023 regarding a new data collection to measure CDBG Disaster Recovery Outcomes of Renter Households and Affordable Housing.

The goal of this research is to improve disaster recovery effectiveness for renter households by examining the disaster recovery outcomes of renter households and rental housing stock in places that received Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery grants (CDBG–DR). This research is expected to help the Federal government, states, and communities throughout the United States improve disaster recovery effectiveness for renter households by providing information about how disaster recovery programs funded through CDBG–DR have different impacts on renters and homeowners, and how disasters impact affordable rental housing stock over time. It will further support HUD in providing data and information on disaster recovery outcomes of renter households and changes in rental housing dynamics in areas impacted by disasters.

This Federal Register Notice provides an opportunity to comment on the information collection for this study titled HUDRD CDBG Disaster Recovery Outcomes of Renter Households. The information collection is designed to support the study of disaster outcomes on rental housing, including the impacts to housing markets and renters; efforts that have been implemented by federal, state, and local governments to mitigate losses to affordable rental housing stock after disasters; and how CDBG–DR requirements impact post-disaster efforts to address rehabilitation, reconstruction, replacement, and new construction of rental housing for low-and- moderate income households. The study includes interviews and focus groups in three study communities in jurisdictions that have received CDBG–DR funding.

CDBG–DR grantee representatives and administrators; elected and appointed government officials in CDBG–DR grantee jurisdictions and municipalities; representatives from Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) in CDBG–DR grantee jurisdictions; representatives from Public Housing Agencies (PHA) in CDBG–DR grantee jurisdictions; landlords and developers in CDBG–DR grantee jurisdictions; representatives from housing and tenant advocacy organizations; and renters living in CDBG–DR grantee jurisdictions.

This information collection will affect approximately 190 respondents. This includes: (1) up to 20 individual qualitative interviews in each of three study communities with CDBG–DR grantee representatives and administrators, elected and appointed officials, CDFI representatives, and PHA representatives; (2) up to two focus groups with up to 10 individuals per focus group with landlords and developers in each of three study communities; (3) up to two focus groups with up to 10 individuals per focus group with renters in each of three study communities; (4) and up to 10 qualitative interviews with HUD staff and other national professionals.
Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) grant funds: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/comm_planning/cdbg-dr
Draft ICR materials: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9q3drcv3u1hhwtvgjxwsc/CDBG-Disaster-2023-Appendices-A_N_Final.zip?rlkey=dc2ywlep2semwnegswlrmik55&dl=0
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-14614

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