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July 13 -- The Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice, invites public comments by September 11, 2023 regarding the proposed redesign of the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).

The NCVS provides national data on the level and change of criminal victimization both reported and not reported to police in the United States. The 2024 NCVS data collection will be a split sample design with the new and current instrument in order to phase-in the new NCVS instrument. The new NCVS instrument improves measurement of victimization and incident characteristics and includes two new periodic modules on police performance and community safety.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) last redesigned the NCVS in 1992. Much has changed since that time, both in the nature of crime and in the public’s willingness to participate in surveys. As such, BJS initiated a multiyear effort to improve the efficiency, reliability, and utility of the NCVS. The effort had three main goals:

-- modernize the organization and content of the NCVS instrument
-- increase the quality of information collected and efficiency of the instrument flow
-- improve the measurement and classification of crime.
BJS is redesigning the entire survey instrument, which includes a household roster, victimization screener, and detailed crime incident report (CIR). The new NCVS instrument retains the two-stage measurement approach of the current instrument for the screening and classification of criminal victimization. It is more conversational in style and promotes recall by asking respondents to consider each subset of examples or probes separately. The new instrument also improves measurement of victimization and incident characteristics.
NCVS: https://bjs.ojp.gov/programs/ncvs
NCVS instrument redesign: https://bjs.ojp.gov/programs/ncvs/instrument-redesign
Draft data collection instrument https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4s9zuxodosng7x7ebwj7x/NCVS-Redesign-Questionnaire_July-2023.pdf?rlkey=5w063b4d46qiiqe5gqhugmrov&dl=0
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-14854

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