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Sept 18 -- The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) invites comments by November 17, 2023 regarding the proposed revision of the Maternal Health Portfolio Evaluation Design.

HRSA programs provide health care to people who are geographically isolated, economically, or medically vulnerable. HRSA programs help those in need of high quality primary health care, such as pregnant women and mothers. Improving maternal health outcomes and access to quality maternity care services is a key component of the HRSA mission. HRSA's Maternal and Child Health Bureau provides funding to address some of the most urgent issues influencing the high rates of maternal mortality. With this emphasis on improving maternal health across the life course and promoting optimal health for all mothers, HRSA is employing a multipronged strategy to address maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity through the following programs:

1. State Maternal Health Innovation Program,
2. Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health Program,
3. Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health—Community Care Initiative,
4. Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies Program, and
5. Supporting Maternal Health Innovation Program.

HRSA is conducting a portfolio-wide evaluation of HRSA-supported Maternal Health Programs with a primary focus on reducing maternal mortality. Through this evaluation, HRSA seeks to identify individual and/or collective strategies, interrelated activities, and common themes within and across the Maternal Health Programs that may be contributing to or driving improvements in key maternal health outcomes. HRSA seeks to ascertain which components should be elevated and replicated to the national level, as well as inform future investments to reduce rates of maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity.

HRSA seeks to understand the impact of HRSA's investments into maternal health programs. These five HRSA maternal health programs represent a total of 12 state-based grantees and three grantees with the potential for national reach. In understanding the strategies that are most effective in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality, HRSA will be able to determine which program elements could be replicated and/or scaled up nationally.

Likely respondents are recipients of the cooperative agreements mentioned above (State Maternal Health Innovation Program, Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health Program, Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health—Community Care Initiative, and Supporting Maternal Health Innovation Program) which include state health agencies, national organizations, and academic organizations.
MCHB Programs: https://mchb.hrsa.gov/programs-impact/programs
Draft data collection instruments and technical documentation: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/weowgx6w4qec1j5i04ups/reexternaldrafticrrequestmaternalhealthportfoli.zip?rlkey=esfaa210szdeny6jpic1c9avm&dl=0
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-20101

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