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Sept 28 -- The Department of Labor's (DOL) Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is soliciting comments concerning a proposed extension for the authority to conduct the information collection request (ICR) titled, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Common Performance Reporting. Consideration will be given to all written comments received by November 27, 2023.

Section 116 of WIOA (29 U.S.C. 3141) authorizes this information collection. This information collection requires States and Local Areas that operate the six core programs of the workforce development system to comply with common performance accountability requirements for those programs, which are: the Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs (title I, administered by DOL); the Wagner-Peyser Act program (title III, administered by DOL); the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) program (title II, administered by ED); and the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program (title IV, administered by ED). As such, States and Local Areas that operate core programs must submit common performance data to demonstrate that specified performance levels are achieved. States and Local Areas will report the common performance data through this ICR.

In addition, and in accordance with WIOA section 122(b)(2), training providers that are eligible to receive funds from Adult and Dislocated Worker programs authorized under title I of WIOA (also known as “eligible training providers” or ETPs) must report data on outcomes achieved under those programs to the State(s) in which they are listed on the State ETP list. States then report the information submitted by ETPs to DOL. The information collection requirements applicable to ETPs are contained in this ICR.

Section 116(d)(1) of WIOA mandates that the Secretaries of Labor and Education develop a template for performance reports to be used by States, local boards, and ETPs for reporting on outcomes achieved by participants in the six core programs. Corresponding joint regulations for these data collection requirements, including which primary performance indicators apply for each core program, have been issued by the Departments. See 81 FR 55792 (Aug. 19, 2016). The final regulations became effective on October 18, 2016. These joint performance regulations can be found at: (1) 20 CFR part 677 (which covers the Adult and Dislocated Worker programs (20 CFR part 680), the Youth program (20 CFR part 681), and the Wagner-Peyser Act program (20 CFR part 652)); (2) 34 CFR part 463, subpart I (which covers the AEFLA program); and (3) 34 CFR part 361, subpart E (which covers the VR program).

The data collection instruments covered in this ICR, are necessary to meet the requirements of section 116 of WIOA. These information collection instruments were developed jointly by the Departments, and include: (1) the Joint Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL), which provides a standardized set of data elements, definitions, and reporting instructions for use by States and local entities administering WIOA core programs (ETA–9170); (2) the Statewide Performance Report Template, to be used for the reporting of data by State entities that administer WIOA core programs (ETA–9169); (3) the Local Area Performance Report Template, to be used for the reporting of data by local entities that administer WIOA core programs (ETA–9169); (4) the ETP Performance Report specifications and definitions, to be used for the reporting of data by eligible providers of training services under title I Adult and Dislocated Worker programs (ETA–9171); and (5) the Annual Statewide Performance Report Narrative, an information collection requirement to be used for providing information on the status and progress of workforce development program performance.

WIOA establishes six primary indicators of performance. Currently, the regulations contain definitions for five of the six performance indicators. However, in the final rule implementing WIOA, the Departments indicated that they would initially implement the sixth indicator of performance—effectiveness in serving employers—in the form of a pilot program to test the feasibility and rigor of the three proposed approaches. With the pilot completed, the Departments are engaging in this rulemaking that proposes to define the performance indicator for effectiveness in serving employers for the regulations implementing the jointly administered requirements governing WIOA's six core programs.

WIOA Performance Reporting https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/performance/reporting
Draft data collection instruments https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/performance/public-comment-performance-icrs
Currently approved forms and technical documentation: https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=202012-1205-003
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-21195

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