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Dec 8 -- The U.S. Census Bureau invites public comment by February 6, 2024 on the proposed extension of the Quarterly Summary of State & Local Government Tax Revenues.

The Census Bureau conducts the Quarterly Summary of State and Local Government Tax Revenue, using the F–71 (Quarterly Survey of Property Tax Collections), F–72 (Quarterly Survey of State Tax Collections), and F–73 (Quarterly Survey of Non-Property Taxes) forms. The Quarterly Summary of State and Local Government Tax Revenue provides quarterly estimates of state and local government tax revenue at the national level, as well as detailed tax revenue data for individual states. The information contained in this survey is the most current information available on a nationwide basis for state and local government tax collections.

The Census Bureau needs state and local tax data to publish benchmark statistics on taxes, to provide data to the Bureau of Economic Analysis for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) calculations and other economic indicators, and to provide data for economic research and comparative studies of governmental finances. Tax collection data are used to measure economic activity for the Nation as a whole, as well as for comparison among the various states. Economists and public policy analysts use the data to assess general economic conditions and state and local government financial activities.

The Census Bureau's previous request for an extension submitted on 03/23/2021 requested approval to remove the collection of all license taxes from the F–72 component of the Quarterly Summary of State and Local Government Tax Revenue. The Census Bureau reconsidered that plan and decided not to remove the collection of all license taxes from the F–72 component of the survey. Keeping the license taxes on the survey allows for a consistent time series and maintains item comparability with other surveys.

For the Quarterly Survey of Property Tax Collections (Form F–71) the Census Bureau will email letters quarterly to a sample of approximately 5,500 local tax collection agencies, known to have substantial collections of property tax, requesting their online data submissions.

For the Quarterly Survey of State Tax Collections (Form F–72) the Census Bureau will email letters to each of the 50 state governments and the District of Columbia quarterly requesting their online data submissions or continued coordinated submission through the state government revenue office.

For the Quarterly Survey of Non-Property Taxes (Form F–73) the Census Bureau will email letters quarterly to a sample of approximately 2,100 local tax collection agencies, known to have substantial collections of local general sales and/or local individual/corporation net income taxes, requesting their online data submissions.

F–71 and F–73 survey data will be collected via the internet. Data for the F–72 survey are collected via email or compilation of data in coordination with the state government revenue office.

In addition to reporting current quarter data, respondents may report data for the previous seven quarters or submit revisions to their previously submitted data. In the event that a respondent cannot report online, they may request a form as a last resort.

In those instances, when the Census Bureau are not able to obtain a response, follow-up operations will be conducted using email and phone calls. Nonresponse weighting adjustments are used to adjust for any unreported units in the sample from the latest available data.

Quarterly Summary of State & Local Tax Revenue (QTAX): https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/qtax.html
Draft data collection instruments and technical documentation requested from Census by AEAStat.
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-26980

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