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Dec 19 -- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) invites public comments by February 20, 2024 regarding the Biennial Survey of Cable Industry Prices, FCC Form 333.

Section 623(k) of The Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Cable Television Consumer Protection Act of 1992, and RAY BAUM’s Act of 2018, requires the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) to publish biennially a statistical Report on Cable Industry Prices (Report), on the average rates (prices) cable operators (operators) charge for basic service and other programming services including lease of equipment. The statute requires the Commission to compare the changes in prices of operators subject to effective competition to the prices of operators not subject to effective competition, under a statutorily defined standard. The statute also requires the Commission to report on retransmission consent fees which cable operators pay to television broadcast stations.

To meet these Congressional directives, the Commission conducts a biennial Survey of Cable Industry Prices (Survey).  FCC Form 333 is the survey instrument (questionnaire) for collecting the information to prepare the Report. To implement the Survey, the Commission releases an Order directing a random sample of cable operators to complete the Form-333. Consistent with requirements of the Act, Form 333 collects data on the basic service, expanded basic service, and the next most subscribed service. To calculate annual changes, Form 333 requests prices, number of channels, and other data for January 1 of the survey year and preceding year.

Cable Industry Prices Reports: https://www.fcc.gov/reports-research/reports/cable-industry-prices-reports
Draft survey instrument and technical documentation requested from FCC by AEAStat.
Current survey instrument and technical documentation: https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=202311-3060-020
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-27820

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