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Jan 26 -- The U.S. Census Bureau invites public comments by March 26, 2024 on the renewal of the Quarterly Financial Report (QFR).

The Census Bureau is planning to resubmit to the Office of Management and Budget for approval of the Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) program information collection forms. The QFR forms to be submitted for approval are: The QFR 200 (MT) long form (manufacturing, mining, wholesale trade, and retail trade); QFR 201 (MG) short form (manufacturing); and the QFR 300 (S) long form (information services and professional and technical services). The Census Bureau is not requesting any changes to the current forms.

The QFR program collects and publishes up-to-date aggregate statistics on the financial results and position of U.S. corporations. The QFR target population consists of all corporations engaged primarily in manufacturing with total assets of $5 million and over, and all corporations engaged primarily in mining; wholesale trade; retail trade; information; or professional and technical services (except legal services) industries with total assets of $50 million and over.

The QFR program is a principal federal economic indicator that has published up-to-date aggregate statistics on the financial results and position of U.S. corporations since 1947. The QFR provides critical source data to the Bureau of Economic Analysis' (BEA) quarterly estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross Domestic Income (GDI), key components of the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA). The QFR data are also vital to the Federal Reserve Board's (FRB) Financial Accounts. Title 13 of the United States Code, Section 91 requires that financial statistics of business operations be collected and published quarterly. Public Law 114–72 extended the authority of the Secretary of Commerce to conduct the QFR Program under Section 91 through September 30, 2030.

The main purpose of the QFR is to provide timely, accurate data on business financial conditions for use by government and private-sector organizations and individuals. Primary public users include U.S. governmental organizations with economic measurement and policymaking responsibilities such as the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Bureau of Labor Statistic, and the Federal Reserve Board. In turn, these organizations provide guidance, advice, and support to the QFR program. The primary non-governmental data users are a diverse group including universities, financial analysts, unions, trade associations, public libraries, banking institutions, and U.S. and foreign corporations.

Census QFR: https://www.census.gov/econ/qfr/index.html
Forms: https://www.census.gov/econ/qfr/forms.html
Technical documentation: https://www.census.gov/econ/qfr/collection.html
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2024-01596

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