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Mar 8 -- The Census Bureau, Department of Commerce, invites comments by May 7, 2024 regarding the proposed extension of the Business and Professional Classification Report.

The Census Bureau conducts the Business and Professional Classification Report to collect information from new businesses to obtain proper industry classification for use in economic surveys and the Economic Census. The survey, conducted quarterly with new respondents each quarter, samples businesses with newly assigned Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Businesses can only be selected once for the survey. The survey collects data about a business in such areas as: primary business activity, company structure, size, and business operations. This information is used to update the sampling frame for current business surveys, which ensures high quality economic estimates. Additionally, by ensuring proper industry classification, this survey reduces burden for the businesses in the five-year Economic Census, as the questions in the census are tailored to the industry in which the business operates.

Respondents will choose the economic sector of their business and then select from a list of business activities. If the respondent does not see their business activity listed, then they will provide a brief description of their business activity. This is the same methodology that the Census Bureau uses in the Economic Census to assign industry classification.

Minimal, non-substantive changes will be made to the wording and organization of existing questions and instructions.

The Business and Professional Classification Report is primarily collected via the internet and telephone follow-up. Those selected for the survey receive an initial letter informing the respondents of their requirement to complete the survey as well as instructions on accessing the survey. Responses will be due approximately 30 days from initial mailing. Respondents will also receive a due date reminder approximately one week before responses are due. After the due date, an overdue notice is sent to nonrespondents. Lastly, the Census Bureau will conduct telephone and email follow-up operations for nonresponse. Throughout the survey, telephone assistance is available for respondents with questions and for those that cannot report over the internet.

Business and Professional Classification Survey: https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/sq-class.html
Draft data collection instrument and supporting statement: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/2c1up8stn3h6ffrqefmoi/h?rlkey=vcradpn99xandjbw7zos2iggw&dl=0
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2024-04999

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