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May 3 -- The U.S. Department of Transportation's Advanced Research Projects Agency—Infrastructure (ARPA-I) is seeking input from interested parties on the potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in transportation, as well as emerging challenges and opportunities in creating and deploying AI technologies in applications across all modes of transportation. The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to obtain input from a broad array of stakeholders on AI opportunities, challenges and related issues in transportation pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 14110 of October 30, 2023 entitled “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence”. Written submissions must be received by July 2, 2024.

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) bring significant potential benefits and risks, and they have the potential to transform American society with deep implications for safety, access, equity and resilience in the transportation sector. Virtually all aspects of transportation and mobility—from the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of physical infrastructure systems to the operation of the digital infrastructure that underpins and enables the movement of people and goods—will likely be impacted by the deployment of AI tools and applications. Beyond the direct impact of the technology itself, AI has the potential to reshape how individuals, communities, corporations, governments, and other users interact with the transportation network in ways that are difficult to anticipate.

In recognition of AI's rapidly evolving capabilities and implications across all facets of government, society and our economy, the Biden Administration issued Executive Order (E.O.) 14110 on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence on October 30, 2023. In section 8, “Protecting Consumers, Patients, Passengers, and Students”, under Sub-section (c), the E.O. directs the U.S. Department of Transportation to “promote the safe and responsible development and use of AI in the transportation sector, in consultation with relevant agencies”. Paragraph (iii) under sub-section (c) further requires that ARPA-I “explore the transportation-related opportunities and challenges of AI—including regarding software-defined AI enhancements impacting autonomous mobility ecosystems”.

This RFI seeks information that will assist ARPA-I and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) in carrying out their responsibilities under section 8 (c)(iii) of E.O. 14110 noted above. . . .

AI approaches are being applied to a range of activities and efforts across DOT; this section provides a brief, non-comprehensive overview. . . .

This section provides illustrative use cases to help respondents to this RFI consider the breadth of potential uses of AI in transportation, including physical infrastructure, digital infrastructure, operations, and many other aspects. . . .

DOT is requesting information from all interested entities and stakeholders, including innovators and technology developers, researchers and universities, transportation system and infrastructure owners and operators, transportation-focused groups, organizations and associations, and the public. Where appropriate, responses should include discussion of real-world applications and actual examples of AI technologies, tools, and methods currently being used or contemplated for future use in the transportation and mobility domain.

DOT is interested in receiving succinct and relevant responses to some or all of the following questions, keeping in mind the current efforts and potential use cases as described above:

Question 1: Current AI Applications in Transportation -- What are the relevant current or near-term applications of AI in transportation? If applicable, describe the mode(s) of transportation that these applications cover, referencing DOT's stated priorities (including safety, climate and sustainability, equity, economic strength and global competitiveness, and transformation) that these applications support.

Question 2: Opportunities of AI in Transportation -- What are the future potential opportunities in transportation that AI can facilitate? Describe the mode(s) of transportation that these opportunities cover, referencing DOT's stated priorities (including safety, climate and sustainability, equity, economic strength and global competitiveness, and transformation) as appropriate.

Question 3: Challenges of AI in Transportation -- What are the current or future challenges of AI in transportation, including risks presented by the use of AI in transportation and potential barriers to its responsible adoption? Describe the mode(s) of transportation that these challenges cover, referencing DOT's stated priorities (including safety, climate and sustainability, equity, economic strength and global competitiveness, and transformation) as appropriate.

Question 4: Autonomous Mobility Ecosystems -- What are the opportunities, challenges, and risks of AI related to autonomous mobility ecosystems, including software-defined AI enhancements? Describe how AI can responsibly facilitate autonomous mobility, including specifically safety considerations.

Question 5: Other Considerations in the Development of AI for Transportation -- Comment on any other considerations relevant to the development, challenges, and opportunities of AI in transportation that have not been included in the questions above. These considerations may include ones such as potential priorities in transportation-specific future AI R&D funding, access to transportation datasets, the development of AI testbeds, physical and digital infrastructure needs and requirements, and workforce training and education.

FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2024-09645

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