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asked ago by (57.8k points)
July 19 -- The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is currently accepting stakeholder feedback in the form of content requests for the 2027 Census of Agriculture. Comments on this notice must be received by August 19, 2024 to be assured of consideration.

NASS is the primary data collection Agency of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). NASS is looking for ways to streamline the questionnaire to reduce respondent burden and data collection costs, while still providing data users with the detailed data they need. NASS is beginning the process of planning the content of the 2027 Census of Agriculture. As part of that process, NASS will review the content from the 2022 Census of Agriculture for data use, relevancy, and burden to the respondent. We are seeking input on ways to improve the census of agriculture. Recommendations or any other ideas concerning the census would be greatly appreciated.

The following justification categories should be addressed when proposing a new line of questioning for the 2027 Census of Agriculture:

1. What data are needed?
2. Why are the data needed?
3. At what geographic level are the data needed? (U.S., State, County, other)
4. Who will use these data?
5. What decisions will be influenced with these data?
6. What surveys have used the proposed question before; what testing has been done on the question; and what is known about its reliability and validity?
7. Draft of the recommended question.

Census of Agriculture: https://www.nass.usda.gov/AgCensus/
2022 Census of Agriculture questionnaire: https://www.nass.usda.gov/​go/​censusform
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2024-15945

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