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asked ago by (380 points)
Federal agencies with rule-writing authority (FDA, SEC, FCC, etc.) have to clear new regulations through the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), a unit in the Office of Management and Budget in the White House. This involves a formal process whereby the agency publishes a preliminary version of the rule and solicits public comment on it, then revises and finalizes the rule according to comments received and OIRA review. Comments from people who are highly knowledgeable about the subject matter of the regulation are highly valued, as ideally they help revise proposed rules in ways that improve their odds of yielding benefits and reduce their odds of imposing unnecessary costs.

To help improve people's understanding of the rule-writing process and the public's ability to participate in it, OIRA is hosting 2 training sessions. The first (on 10/2, 3-3:45 eastern) discusses how to request and use "E.O. 12866 meetings" with OIRA staff to share your views on rules under OIRA review.  You can register for this session here: https://pitc.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJIsd-GtrjkiGGa1F824zX6u3gEvHKb11vU.

The second (on 10/9, 4-4:45 eastern) discusses how to submit written public comments on proposed rules. You can register for this session here: Ihttps://pitc.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJItfuygqT8tH649LGvBE4Czs0pXC8VW480.

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