+4 votes
asked ago in General Economics Questions by (390 points)
Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me that European economics (aka economics that is made in European universities) is less structured and more "open" than economics made in US universities. For instance, European economics seems to be more methodologically diverse, and more open to "alternative" ideas. I don't really have heterodox in mind, more people that have more lateral views of economics but still manage to get an academic position. It seems easier in Europe.

Do you think it's really the case? And if yes, how would you explain this difference?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered ago by (2.7k points)
edited ago by
I have studied in two colleges in Europe (Spain) and I can tell you they are completely different. One was too liberal following that trend even before the Great Recession that tell students that poor people can't have a house and they should live in the street. In this public university the dean told students a goverment taxing companies or people is like a mugger putting a knife on your neck. He now says he is anarcocapitalist.

The second public university where I studied is very ethical and we have studied with good books and not only notes so the knowledge you get there is huge in comparision. This college teaches economics without a political ideology and it always shows you the risks you have to avoid to look after people's welfare as well as to develop an efficient economic and business management.
0 votes
answered ago by (1k points)
Much of economics was developed in a US context, and the vast majority of all Nobel prize winners in economics are American. I first studied in Europe, and then in the US. Living in the US was quite an eye-opener regarding what the models are about. So yes, I think economics is done a bit differently in Europe than in the US.

One of the reasons is that the policy questions and institutions in Europe are just different, so that you'd expect economics in Europe to have a slightly different focus, too. Also, Europe as a whole is a much more heterogenous place than the US. Accordingly, you would expect a wider diversity of views.