Colleges and universities vary in their requirements, recommendations and norms, so I would recommend strongly that you get the advice of a faculty member - or, if you can't do that, a more advanced economics student - who knows your institution.
That said, based on the information in your question, I'd suggest that you go ahead and take introduction to microeconomics now, for two reasons:
1. The experience of taking an economics class will help you decide whether its something you really want to pursue. As an economist, I naturally think economics is a wonderful subject to study, but sometimes students take the first class and find its not quite what they'd hoped or expected. Learning from experience whether you like it or not is valuable - either way - and you'd want to get that information as soon as you can to inform your planning for the future.
2. Although I'm a macroeconomist myself, I think its usually better to take microeconomics first. There are ideas in macroeconomics that rely on microeconomics, but not so much vice versa.
Good luck - I hope you enjoy your classes!