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This brief introduces the HHS Roadmap for Behavioral Health Integration [15 pages], which advances the President’s Strategy to Address our National Mental Health Crisis. It provides a general overview of the approach HHS is taking to drive toward integrated care within the three pillars of the President’s Strategy and highlights selected programs and policy actions that will get us there. It is not an exhaustive catalogue of all of the behavioral health initiatives across the Department; HHS agencies are advancing the HHS Roadmap alongside important efforts already underway such as the HHS Overdose Prevention Strategy and a new three-digit crisis line (9-8-8). HHS is committed to providing the full spectrum of integrated, equitable, evidence-based, culturally appropriate, and person-centered behavioral health care to the populations it serves.


• HHS is committed to providing the full spectrum of integrated, equitable, evidence-based, culturally appropriate, and person-centered behavioral health care to the populations it serves.
• HHS has evaluated key barriers to transforming behavioral health care in line with President Biden’s Strategy to Address our National Mental Health Crisis and has identified policy solutions to overcome these barriers.
• HHS will advance the Strengthen System Capacity pillar in the President’s national strategy by developing a diverse workforce prepared to practice in integrated settings and investing in infrastructure for integrated care.
• HHS will advance the Connect Americans to Care pillar by leveraging health financing arrangements, including efforts to fully realize the potential of parity.
• HHS will advance the Support Americans by Creating Healthy Environments pillar through investments in behavioral health promotion, upstream prevention, and recovery.


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