Impacts of GST Reforms on Efficiency, Growth and Redistribution of Income in India: A Dynamic CGE Analysis
Goods and service tax (GST) introduced as a ‘good and simple tax’ on 1 July 2017 by the Modigovernment is the boldest measure of tax reform so far in India. This paper uses dynamic CGE
model calibrated to the micro-consistent input-output data of the Indian economy to assess
impacts of GST on the efficiency in allocation of resources among production sectors, growth of
income and employment over time, the redistribution of income among households in India.
While GST reforms will improve specialization in productions of goods and services among the
major economic sectors of India by removing distortions in the production and distribution of
goods and services, transparency it brings in the tax system will help to maintain above seven
percent continuous growth rate in output, investment and physical capital. It also promotes
expansion in human capital and the financial system. Anti-corruption measures including recent
demonetization of large denomination notes and digitization of economic transactions along
with GST reforms will add to infrastructure including construction and expansion of
communication networks, massive electrification, development of rail, road, air and shipping
networks. By creating better opportunities for education and training for the younger
generation, health services for all continuous reforms in direct and indirect taxes will bring
speedier growth of income and employment along with more balanced distribution of income