JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2014 - January 31, 2015

Bank of Italy

This listing is inactive.
Recruitment Division
Directorate General for Human resources and organization
Reasearch Fellowships for Economists

JOE ID Number: 2014-02_111451333
Date Posted: 11/01/2014
Date Inactive: 11/29/2014
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Reasearch Fellowships for Economists
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
JEL Classifications:
00 -- Default: Any Field
C -- Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
D -- Microeconomics
E -- Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics
F -- International Economics
G -- Financial Economics
H -- Public Economics
J -- Labor and Demographic Economics
K -- Law and Economics
L -- Industrial Organization
N -- Economic History
O -- Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth
Salary Range: € 48,000 per year
Full Text of JOE Listing:

The Bank of Italy, the Italian central bank, intends to hold a competition to award four research fellowships for young economists with interest and experience in applied economic research and its policy implications. The fellowships will be with the Bank’s Directorate General for Economics, Statistics and Research, in Rome; they are for the term of twelve months and are renewable for another twelve. Winners will be asked to develop a research project of their own.
This year the research areas that are of special, but not exclusive, interest to the Bank are in the fields: macroeconomics and monetary economics; credit, banking, financial stability; international economics; microeconomic behaviour of firms and households; corporate finance; market design and regulation; public finance. Winners may also be asked to contribute to policy analysis and advise senior management on issues of relevance to the Bank within their field of expertise.

The Bank of Italy provides a stimulating working environment that offers the fellows the opportunity to participate in top-notch academic seminars and conferences and to interact with policy makers. Winners of a fellowship will receive a monthly stipend of € 4,000 before tax.

Applicants must have a Ph.D or equivalent degree or be about to receive one, i.e. have completed their exams (or other preparatory activity) and only have their theses to be discussed. Applicants must be fluent in English, both written and spoken.

Candidates may elect to be interviewed either in Rome at the head office of the Bank of Italy from 15 to 19 December 2014 or in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, during the annual meeting of the American Economic Association, from 3 to 6 January 2015.

Candidates who are deemed to have completed their research successfully on the basis of a technical evaluation by a committee of experts may be invited to participate in a selection for the recruitment of permanent employees at the starting level in the management career. Such candidates must meet the requirements for recruitment by the Bank of Italy (i.e. citizenship of Italy or another EU country, a university degree recognized in Italy, and enjoyment of full political rights). They must also have a good knowledge of Italian, which will be verified during the selection procedure.

For all other matters, reference is made to the competition notice, which will be published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica italiana on 3 October 2014 and available on the Bank’s website as of the same date.

Application Instructions:
In completing their applications candidates must comply with the indications given in the competition notice, which will be published from 3 October 2014 on the Bank’s website ( until 28 November 2014; the applications will be accepted only during that period.

Online Application URL:

Application Requirements:
  • Letters of Reference Link
Application deadline: 11/28/2014