JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2014 - January 31, 2015

WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

This listing is inactive.
Department of Socioeconomics
Full Professor of Health Economics 2627-95

JOE ID Number: 2014-02_450936
Date Posted: 08/22/2014
Date Inactive: 01/31/2015
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Full Professor of Health Economics 2627-95
Section: International:Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA
JEL Classifications:
I1 -- Health
A1 -- General Economics
Health Economics
Economic Research
Full Text of JOE Listing:

WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) is currently inviting applications for the position of a Full Professor of Health Economics at the Department of Socioeconomics. This Chair will be granted for a five-year period and is both publicly and privately funded.

Research and teaching at the Department of Socioeconomics integrates knowledge across disciplines to investigate the interplay of social and economic dynamics and to address social, economic, demographic and environmental challenges to sustainable development.

The ideal candidates have an outstanding international reputation in high quality scholarship and conduct applied health economic research in areas such as the analysis of health care markets, the economic evaluation of health service organization and delivery, the financing of medical care, health disparities or the economics of (risky) health behaviors. They should have a proven track record of excellent teaching in health economics.

For details of the position, please see Applications must be submitted by 21st September, 2014.

Application Requirements:
  • External Application Link
Application deadline: 09/21/2014