JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
February 1, 2015 - July 31, 2015
Social Impact, Inc.
Position Title/Short Description
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
Location: Arlington, Virginia, UNITED STATES
JEL Classification: F5 -- International Relations and International Political Economy
Quantitative Research/Evaluation
Experimental Design
Quasi-experimental Design
Public Policy
Full Text of JOE Listing:
You will provide high-level technical management, oversight, and support for a portfolio of impact evaluations and robust, long-term performance evaluation. You will be responsible for supporting proposal development, fostering strong relationships with clients, mentoring less experienced staff, leading outreach and dissemination activities and participating in internal initiatives. Will serve as a Principal Investigator/Team Leader on selected assignments and provide technical leadership for evaluation efforts.
Provide technical assistance and leading technical delivery of impact evaluations and other tasks, as appropriate:
•Provide technical quality assurance
•Will conceptualize evaluation designs, lead scoping trips, design sampling strategies, develop instruments, oversee data collection, design and carry out analysis, and disseminate results through written reports and conference presentations.
•Troubleshoot, coordinate, and enhance the technical quality of the work
•PhD +5-8 years or Master’s +8-12 years in economics, statistics, public policy, development, etc.
•Experience conducting evaluations or research on donor projects/activities
•Academic training and practical experience in quantitative research/evaluation
•Experience managing and providing technical guidance for impact evaluations, including experimental and quasi-experimental designs
•Field experience in managing large-scale data collection activities and surveys
•Experience working in developing countries
•Ability to travel overseas for assignments
•Fluency working in Stata or similar statistical software package
Application Requirements:
- Biodata
- Letters of Reference
- Research Papers
- Job Market Paper
- CV