JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2016 - January 31, 2017

Danmarks Nationalbank

This listing is inactive.
Economist/Senior Economist/Advisor

JOE ID Number: 2016-02_111457090
Date Posted: 11/08/2016
Date Inactive: 01/31/2017
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Economist/Senior Economist/Advisor
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
JEL Classifications:
E -- Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics
F -- International Economics
G -- Financial Economics
monetary economics
international macroeconomics
Financial Economics
Full Text of JOE Listing:

Danmarks Nationalbank, Denmark's central bank, has established a new research unit conducting research in macroeconomics, financial economics, monetary and international economics and macroeconometrics, and developing economic models and tools to support Danmarks Nationalbank's policy decisions. Economists in the research unit are expected to produce high-quality research to be published in refereed journals and will benefit from an outstanding research environment and strong ties with the academic community in Denmark. Candidates can find more information about the Research Unit at the website :

Job Description: The Research Unit has several openings at the junior and senior level. Applications from all areas of Macroeconomics, International Economics and Financial Economics are invited. The Research Unit is especially interested in soliciting applications from candidates working on macro-finance, macro-labor and related fields where the extensive microdata available in Denmark can be exploited to assess macroeconomic policy challenges. Salaries are commensurate with experience and level of achievement.

Job Qualifications: Ph.D. in economics or finance. Candidates currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program must be approaching the completion of their thesis. For senior positions, a proven publication track record in top-tier professional journals and demonstrated leadership in research are expected. Knowledge of Danish is not required.

Application Requirements:
  • External Application Link
  • Letters of Reference Link
Application deadline: 11/24/2016