JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

February 1, 2023 - July 31, 2023

The State University of New York at Fredonia

This listing is inactive.

JOE ID Number: 2023-01_111471908
Date Posted: 06/30/2023
Date Inactive: 07/31/2023
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Lecturer
Section: US: Other Academic (Visiting or Temporary)
Location: Fredonia, New York, UNITED STATES
JEL Classifications:
C -- Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
E -- Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics
G -- Financial Economics
Econometrics, Finance, Data Analytics, Statistics, Banking
Full Text of JOE Listing:

State University of New York at Fredonia, NY

The State University of New York at Fredonia, Department of Economics invites applications for a one-year, temporary Lecturer, beginning Fall 2023. Duties include teaching 12 credit-hours per semester of teaching Introduction to Economics, Principles of Macroeconomics or Microeconomics and Statistics. An ability to teach and research in Financial Economics, Statistical Analysis/Econometrics/Data Analytics, Money and Banking, would be the preferred qualifications. Additional courses would be as assigned by the Department. The successful candidate will be encouraged to engage in scholarly activities commensurate with the requirements of the School of Business. Minimum qualifications include PhD or ABD in economics plus demonstrated high quality teaching.
For complete position description, qualifications, application instructions, visit
Applicants are required to submit a cover letter (2-3 pages), and CV. Contact information is required for three references with at least one with knowledge of teaching ability. Review of applications will begin on July 13, 2023, and will continue until the position is filled.
An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer, Fredonia provides for, and promotes, equal opportunity employment, compensation, and other terms and conditions of employment, without discrimination.

Application Requirements:
  • External Application Link
Application deadline: 01/31/2024