Call For Papers
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Call For Papers
Call for Papers: Monetary Policy: Heterogeneity, Communication and Subjective Inflation Expectations
May 31, 2022
The deadline for submissions is July 31, 2022.
Research Highlights Featured Chart
Childcare and inequality
May 23, 2022
How much time do parents of different socioeconomic status spend with their kids?
TeachECONference 2022 third annual virtual conference on economics education
May 18, 2022
The free, online conference will be held in June 2022.
The Financial Times and McKinsey & Company are accepting book proposal submissions for the Bracken Bower Prize
May 17, 2022
The closing date for entries is September 30, 2022.
Research Highlights Article
Breaking through restrictive attitudes
May 16, 2022
Can a school-based program have a meaningful impact on gender inequality?
AEA in the news
AEA congratulates Lisa Cook on being named a governor at the Federal Reserve
May 13, 2022
Lisa Cook becomes the first Black woman appointed to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve.
Recommendations for Further Reading
Big debt, childhood interventions, and COVID-19 in developing countries
May 10, 2022
Reading recommendations from Timothy Taylor, managing editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives.
Research Highlights Featured Chart
Higher pay, fewer hours
May 9, 2022
How did increases in the minimum wage affect demand for low-wage workers in Seattle?
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