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Research Highlights Article

Wholesale collusion?

December 18, 2020
Reforms to African agriculture markets didn’t help farmers or consumers as intended. The reason seems to be with how intermediary traders set prices.
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Hidden genius

December 16, 2020
How does a successful research career relate to where someone was born?
Research Highlights Podcast

Gendered laws

December 9, 2020
Penny Goldberg discusses how legal gender discrimination affects women’s economic opportunities around the globe.
Chart of the Week

Lifting the resource curse

December 7, 2020
Better information helped stop political violence over natural gas in Mozambique.
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Moving to a healthier place

December 2, 2020
Hurricane Katrina forced New Orleanians to uproot and live somewhere else. What effect did that have on their health?