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Research Highlights Featured Chart

The tyranny of the top five

July 6, 2020
Is there too much pressure to publish in the highest-ranked journals?
Research Highlights Article

Regulation by shaming

July 2, 2020
Publicizing safety violations at one company has ripple effects that lead to improvements at other workplaces.
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Seeking equity outside academia

July 1, 2020
Is the economics profession’s pay gap different when working for the government?
Research Highlights Article

Rebel radio

June 29, 2020
Can a simple message to come home convince insurgents to leave the battlefield?
Research Highlights Podcast

Rethinking racial discrimination

June 24, 2020
Harvard professor Mario Small discusses how sociology can help economics diversify its perspective.
Research Highlights Article

Clean hands and dirty jobs

June 19, 2020
How much do politicians’ relatives get special treatment on the job market?
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Breaking the poverty cycle

June 17, 2020
Can a support program for disadvantaged high school students have lasting effects?
Research Highlights Article

Figuring out what works

June 15, 2020
Healthy people follow health trends. That behavior can actually cloud research.