Research Highlights

AEA Research Highlights feature selected articles published in the AEA journals.

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A powerful incentive to save

August 6, 2018
Can a temporary banking promotion have lasting effects on financial behavior?
Research Highlights Article

Taking professors' privilege

August 1, 2018
How does denying researchers full rights to their work affect startup activity at universities?
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Rejecting the party line

July 30, 2018
How does the roll-call order relate to whether a Senator breaks ranks on a vote?
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Protecting American jobs?

July 25, 2018
Immigration barriers intended to boost domestic wages and employment may offer little help to US workers.
Research Highlights Article

Breaking down barriers

July 23, 2018
What are the spillover effects from free trade agreements?
Research Highlights Article

The Great Divergence

July 18, 2018
This video explains how technology diffusion contributes to the growing productivity gap between rich and poor countries.
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Investing in neighborhoods

July 16, 2018
Where are the biggest economic benefits when governments spend on infrastructure improvements?
Research Highlights Article

Get the lead out

July 13, 2018
How much can we mitigate the damaging effects of lead exposure in kids?
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Equity investments

July 11, 2018
How do gender norms influence household decisions to participate in the stock market?