AEA Research Highlights Podcast

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The AEA conducts podcast interviews with AEA authors discussing their work as part of the AEA Research Highlights series. Listen to episodes posted below or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts:

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Episode 76: The political consequences of NAFTA

July 02, 2024
Jiwon Choi and Gavin Wright discuss the economic and political fallout of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
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Episode 75: Moral hazard and migration

June 05, 2024
Vikram Maheshri discusses unintended consequences of search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea.
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Episode 74: The pace of economics publishing

May 07, 2024
Daniel Hamermesh discusses publishing in economics and how to speed it up.
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Episode 73: Improving vaccine messaging

April 09, 2024
Sarah Eichmeyer discusses ways to increase vaccine take-up rates.
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Episode 72: A textbook bank run

March 12, 2024
Andrew Metrick discusses the failure of Silicon Valley Bank and the government’s response.
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Episode 71: The roots of US innovation clusters

February 14, 2024
Daniel Gross and Bhaven Sampat discuss the impact of one of the largest shocks to federal R&D funding in US economic history.
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Episode 70: Counselors matter

January 16, 2024
Christine Mulhern discusses the impact of high school counselors on students’ academic success.
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Episode 68: Ending school segregation for Mexican Americans

October 02, 2023
Francisca Antman discusses the impact of desegregating Mexican American schools on educational outcomes in California.
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Episode 67: Learning the language

September 05, 2023
Blake Heller discusses the impact of adult English language training programs on immigrant earnings and civic engagement.
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