American Economic Journal:
Economic Policy

ISSN 1945-7731 (Print) | ISSN 1945-774X (Online)

AEJ: Economic Policy Research Highlights

Research Highlights Article

Quarters vs. semesters

February 21, 2022
How does switching to a different academic calendar impact students?
Research Highlights Podcast

Money well spent

February 18, 2022
Jason Baron discusses the effects of different types of school spending on student outcomes.
Research Highlights Article

Stopping the churn

December 3, 2021
Many eligible participants lose SNAP benefits due to the difficulties of recertifying.
Featured Chart

Patent disclosure

December 1, 2021
Does access to patent documentation spur follow-on innovation?
Research Highlights Article

Getting the help they need

November 29, 2021
How did cuts to special education in Texas affect the long-run outcomes for students?
Featured Chart

Remittance rules

November 17, 2021
How has the internet changed local sales tax rates?
Featured Chart

Expanding broadband access

October 6, 2021
How does high-speed internet affect the employment prospects of low-income Americans?
Research Highlights Podcast

Going from gasoline to electric

September 29, 2021
Stephen Holland discusses the best strategy for transitioning to electric vehicles.