American Economic Review

ISSN 0002-8282 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7981 (Online)

AER Research Highlights

Research Highlights Podcast

The long-run benefits of public preschool

December 22, 2021
Martha Bailey discusses the impact of Head Start on educational attainment and economic self-sufficiency in adulthood.
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Horizontal growth

December 20, 2021
How do innovative companies diversify their product portfolios?
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Sharing fake news

November 3, 2021
Overconfidence in detecting lies may be helping them spread.
Research Highlights Podcast

Growth by proximity

October 13, 2021
Enrico Moretti discusses the effect of high-tech hubs on innovation.
Research Highlights Article

Barriers to expanding coverage

October 8, 2021
How can developing countries mitigate the challenges to universal health insurance?