American Economic Review

ISSN 0002-8282 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7981 (Online)

AER Research Highlights

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Monopsony trends

July 18, 2022
How much employer market power does the US manufacturing sector have?
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Exporting US gangs

July 5, 2022
Do deportation policies spread criminal networks?
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China’s Grand Canal

June 6, 2022
Does disruption of major trade routes fuel social unrest?
Research Highlights Podcast

Comparing 911 responses

May 2, 2022
CarlyWill Sloan discusses race and police use of force in two American cities.
Featured Chart

Local politics

April 25, 2022
How does geographic context influence voter behavior?
Featured Chart

Digging into an argument

April 7, 2022
Do people become more convinced of their own positions in the midst of a debate?
Research Highlights Article

Money problems

March 21, 2022
Do monetary themed questions on standardized tests have a negative impact on students of low socioeconomic status?